Oh! This one really surprised me. Big Groups being hit by the recession is not a new story but this hard...Well! I had no idea about...!! The Big players are working more on the cost cutting these days then any other things. Budget cuts are normal in the corporate scenario but I never thought that this would mean compromising in the Brand Image. Yes, Big Bazaar is better known as 'Organised Chaos' but that doesn't mean that people will tend to forget that it still is a part of Pantaloon retail.
During a recent store launch, the management played with the budgets and they played so badly that they weren't even able to rectify it. Starting from the standees which weren't able to stand the winds to the banners which were flowing with the wind, not static enough to let the visitor read whats there on the banner. Not only was this enough, even the press meet looked more of a formality, within the store a set-up with 20 chairs and a backdrop with a projector screen, which eventually wasn't required or may be used. I wonder but someone told me that none of the most poplular newspapers catering to the target segment of Big Bazaar were invited.
The BTL campaign also seemed to be suffering from mis-management & ill-execution. That looked as the worst thing, someone could do to the brand. Yes, Big Bazaar claims to be the organised chaos but that doesnt mean it could be compared with a Grocery store! Actually not.
I never thought that Brand owners will be told to cut the costs to that an extent. Nevermind though, the brand keeps the promises. Happy Shopping!!
I am not sure if it was the Recession which led to what you experienced. Maybe it was just poor planning and execution of the event.
What u saw might have been a failure of event management and not effect of recession.
BUT .... if it was indeed recession effect on the brand projection; it only shows the short sightedness of the managers and decision makers involved in the marketing and branding of the Big Bazaar Brand.
@ ShoOOonya
Yes, what you have mentioned is right....but why I have mentioned Recession because it is that which made them decide on cheap vendors instead of going for a professionally managed / specialist event management agency...Now in their words...'We dont have budgets'
The problem is manager gave the work to a vendor like he's been doing with the agency.......and the results showed to him the difference between the two!
Thanks for visiting!
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