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Monday, June 16, 2008

Ads & Brands in India - a quick flashback!!

Bajaj Super..........Extinct now....

Did we know Yuvi that time....?? We did knew Lifebuoy!!



Nutriono Aam-Ras!!!!!! No Katrina's Aamsutra's!!!!!!!



The then Thanda.......



CERELAC .........yummie







It's still a top brand........look at the Consistency !!!

No Centre Shocks u see.............


Anonymous said...

@ jigyasa,
wonderful photos of products, purane yaadon ko taaza kar di !
i particularly liked goldspot ad, it used to come frequently on VCP cassette of movies.
also kwality icecream, nirma washing powder and vicco vajradanti !
cheers ! ;-)

Unknown said...

there was citra souper cooler,
and, we had, Rasna & kapil dev sayin Palmolive ka jawab nahi, and we had... yeah the zing thing gold spot.

many old ads... raageshwari's bajaj sunny ad....
recollect a load of ads watching Television.. good old Doordarshan in the 90s... was amazing good old days!

Anonymous said...

i could remember the days I watched DD in neighbour's house.... later we bought a new color t.v ( really a big task for middle class that time) and I liked to watch the following programmes... oliyum oliyum, sunday evening movie, mahabarath, ramayan, chandrakanta, sri krishna, micket and donald, jungle book, laurel and hardy, charlie chaplin, ek se bhadkar ek, chitahaar, rangoli, tehkikaat, circus, "unforgettable" AMUL-SURABI, SHANTHI, SWABHIMAAN,JUNOON, etc. etc... but nowadays all programmes are related to filmy.. and is boring most of the times...

Rupesh Agarwal said...

this was bad....

u reminded me of poppins :'(

i can now feel the taste..... buhu.....

u got to get me one now!!!