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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Sahara Q-Shop – Completely Adulteration Free 100%, Really?

Sahara Q-Shop, a great start with a big chase for 800 shops. Launched on Independence Day – the August 15th, 2012. I wonder, were they trying to give the Q-Shop an image of - ‘Swadeshi’ (Domestic) Brand.

The Subroto Roy group has come up with a distinguished ‘Positioning Strategy’. There promise it to get rid of Adulteration. The message which is going to hit everyone – though they say they target the two tier cities, I am sure the TVC has created a buzz in everyone’s mind.Watch here

Who won’t be shocked to see Sachin Tendulkar – taking rounds of a dining table and depicting a funeral scene, M.S.Dhoni with an RIP placard, the advertisement is intriguing and the message very strong. Everybody in this country is tired of and wants to fight adulteration. Who would not fear of drinking the glass of milk after reading in the morning newspaper about samples of Urea in your brand of milk packet? This is disastrous and Sahara ‘Q’ shop is offering a promise. The TVC stands different but the message it leaves on our minds – is negative almost everyone gets horrified of what we eat or drink. I wish it had a hopeful message too but it leaves us with an introduction to a hopeful retail brand – the Q shop.

With the inflation going up every day, the retail sector is experiencing a slowdown. The big retail players are finding ways to restructure and fight back. The middle class who were fond of Big Bazaars have started going back to nearby Kirana shops as the fuel expenses have gone up. Like these, the challenges have grown and now enter the Q shops.

When I saw the advertisements – I readily wanted to explore about it. It is a feast to watch the Indian Cricket stars – all in one go and then you see Sahara and the quest is kind of sorted but the message they are conveying – stays!  Though I am yet to visit a Sahara Q shop and experience the experience they offer but as far as the communication is concerned – we all remember the advertisement. Don’t we?

The advertisement is a simple, to the point message reaching straight to the end consumer with a promise of delivery.

Coming to the business intentions – Sahara Group claims to have set a Quality Revolution with a state of art laboratory process, where the merchandise in Sahara Q-shops will go through Quality Checks and Quality Assurance. Proper care is said to be taken in the Packaging Measures as well.

Check out the Unbeatable Advantages offered at Sahara ‘Q Shops’ (as mentioned on their official website)

  • 100% commitment to quality
  • Most competitive price
  • Doorstep delivery of products under strict supervision
  • Right weight/quantity
  • 100% disclosure policy across all products
  • Convenience of phone shopping
  • State-of-the-art Quality Control labs in New Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Patna
  • Pan-India quality team of 800 people, comprising Scientist Associates, Senior Quality Controllers, Quality Assurance Managers and Quality Assurance Executives
  • 305 warehouses in 285 cities

So we can say that the consumers are going to have another Swadeshi (Domestic) brand with a mission of quality and purity. The offerings are multiple from staples to personal care, from lifestyle products to natural water, they almost have it all.

Sahara Group certainly is on a mission and it is a real challenge to fight adulteration. I hope the consumers find a pure brand in Sahara Q shops as the challenge is getting bigger with the influx of foreign retail giants in Indian Retail scene. But there is another challenge- How many of us are willing to adopt a domestic brand with the so many pleasing foreign brands on the retail shelf?


Sunil Kumar CFP CM said...

This is few of the ways how Quality is defined:

Quality is the ongoing process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating, and fulfilling stated and implied needs...

When the customer returns and the product doesn't...

Looking at the past of SAHARA and its image in the market, Quality does not match with the name.

Same way as it never matched with RELIANCE...

And someone rightly pointed that the english translation of SAHARA is RELIANCE...

But still it is a bold attempt and I wish them good luck...

Sunil Kumar CFP CM said...


Jigyasa said...

@ Sunil

Quality certainly is an ongoing process and the way they have entered is grand...and now it is all about keeping the promise!

Reliance talks more on the discounts like most of the big players I really do not think even they thought of being reliant while venturing into retail format....for them it was diversification for growth n always!

Sane observations. Thanks!

vineet said...

The positioning and statement made is really bold and is like a direct attack on the existing brands. Still it is early days and only time will let us know on the success of the same. Also with a baggage of past behind, it wont be an easy entry for them for sure. Wishing them luck as we are working on few of their brands !!! cheers

Jigyasa said...

@ Vineet!

Indeed it is a testing time for Sahara and the entire retail industry is anxiously watching the competition..!

And now we will surely watch the packaging as well.!

Thanks :)

Jack said...


I have seen some good retailers ensuring quality as well as quantity but they are confined to limited area as they do not have resources to go for advertisements on big scale with famous stars. Good to see a large business group entering this arena but hope that they can sustain what they claim.

Take care

Jigyasa said...

@ Uncle J

You brought in a fact about the small scale retailers or the organised kirana stores..but this is certainly happening at a very small scale! They are the happy bunch who are very satisfied business souls and expanding only in a limited geography!

Sahara Q Shops has come up with a great hope and we wish it sustains!

Anonymous said...

Had to tweet this. I ride when I can – but will have to do this all next week. More people certainly should.

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